The United Kingdom of New Zealand
Banking - Westpac is the Governments bank
Westpac is the Governments bank that's where you can pay your fines etc... here you can register your "trading securities" and other instruments??? there are different account codes for financial asset and financial liabilities also a memorandum account or off-balance sheet account, account code 900000 to 999999 hmmm very interesting.
Westpac is the only New Zealand that offer this facility. Look at any series of numbers on any identification and every debt instrument or remittance etc it's presented in the form of a cheque and you will see these codes being used within a sequence of numbers, which is legal tender, as everything is a prepayment.
IRD "In-land re-venue De-part-men-t has the Land use, ASAP, ASCA and the Source of interest enacted in the Income Tax Act 2007 and Zero-rating of land rules in the Goods and Services Act 1985. What land are they using??
Crown Research Office