
Declaration of The United Kingdom of New Zealand 1835 according to the Plan

The true and correct interpretation of He wakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni 1835 /  The declaration of The United Kingdom of New Zealand 1835 accorded by the blueprint for Native Government and the Statutory Declarations Act 1835 operates today from within New Zealand legislation.

Decoded and Translated by The Crown 
15 September 2018 

Article One 
His Majesty his/her heirs and successors of New Zealand under the Hauraki estate mandated and ratified in the Waitangi District within the Tokerau Territory on this 28th day of October 1835, to declare the United Kingdom of our Realm hereby chartered and declared by His Majesty a Royal Estate, fixed in perpetuity in the proprietors of the District of the Local Government of New Zealand. 
Constitution Act 1986, s5

Article Two 
His Majesty’s Executor or Administrator over the estate of the government of New Zealand is hereby chartered entirely and exclusively by His Majesty in His Congress. His Majesty will not permit any other foreign legislative authority, nor any other Governorship to be chartered upon the estate, of the government of New Zealand. His Majesty his Person or Persons in Trust for Him and them as chartered in equity and law enacted by His Majesty in His congress. 
Constitition Act 1986, s4

Article Three 
His Majesty agree to hold courts of judicature in the King’s/Queen’s court within the Waitangi District of the Parens Patriae of each year, to frame laws to dispense justice to preserve peace to cease wrongdoing, to regulate trade; and they say to the Slaves from the northern hemisphere to leave behind their wars, and to consult with the peace of His Majesty’s realm, so that they can join the government of New Zealand.
Constitution Act 1986

Article Four 
They also agree to sign a charter to endorse their declaration to His Majesty the King of England to convey their thanks, for His acknowledgement of their Flag and in return His Majesty will care for and protect the British Subjects who have settled here having migrated for the purposes of trade, they entreat that His Majesty will remain a parent to them in their Infant State/Colony lest access is denied to His Majesty’s United Kingdom. Agreed to unanimously on this day the 28th of october 1835 in the presence of His Britannic Majesty’s Resident.
Constitution Act 1986     

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